Maybe you could just try being nice to him and have a normal conversation? If it pisses you off so much, surely it will piss him off too?
reddit was never open-source and community-hosted
Are you sure you're talking about the same thing as me? Sounds like devices use the 50/60 Hz grid frequency instead of an internal resonator/frequency generator to count forward the seconds. But it doesn't tell the device "what time is it now" when you first switch it on.
Here in germany i think there's a radio signal being transmitted on a dedicated frequency that does nothing but distribute the current time information to digital devices. It's really useful!
I remember back when clocks were essentially sticks in the ground, you had to manually drag the sun across the sky by a few degrees to change the time. Those were the days, twice a year.
pepperidge farm remembers
It is because of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall and was predicted as far back as 1880. Now we're seeing it in reality. The surprising thing isn't that this is happening, but that it took so long to happen.
I think they are called Topfenknödel in German, i remember my family making them as well, served with jam, they are delicious!
Cake. Orange cake.
If you want my honest opinion, listen to what your feelings tell you. Don't let people tell you what is "right" or "wrong", as these are often meaningless concepts in relationships. Be responsible, but also: be happy.
chat is this real?
i've heard rumors that they've made great surprises and developments so far; but i have nothing substantial to point you to, as it's mostly rumors that i got from friends/other people at this point.
i think the most realistic way will be to examine unusual patterns in the IP addresses used for the accounts.