That would make sense if corporate bureaucracy was not bureaucracy. But it is.
In that case, every stack that you use is riddled with those and we are all hosed. And yet somehow your computer, your phone and the internet keep on working most of the time.
What if we took a insignificant amount of the virus and injected it into people.
That's called vaccination. At least, that was one of the original methods. You can use killed virus, weakened virus, a related virus that triggers the same immune response (for example, cowpox for smallpox), or a selected part of the virus that will trigger the immune response but is not capable of infecting you. The last is the most common method used now because the weakened-virus approach can go badly wrong.
respond with “we don’t know what they put in painkillers and yet you take them no problem”
But we do know exactly what goes into both.
Saying this makes them question their line of thought.
They don't think. There is no line of thought. They just react to memes with brainless conformity.
Anti-vax parents should have their kids taken away.
Long before there was a vaccine, I developed meningitis from a measles infection. Luckily my parents weren't idiots and took me to the hospital. I ran a high fever, had febrile convulsions and hallucinated. Afterwards, I was over-sensitive to light for at least a week. Anyone who would inflict that on a kid belongs in prison or worse.
Pro-fetus. Anti-life after birth.
The courts are corrupted. It's up to us to hold them accountable.
Measles parties will kill kids.
MTG is a psychopath.
This is going to kill people in order to enrich SwastiKet.
It's interesting to see a squabble between two of the reactionary Catholics on the court. I'd have thought it'd have been between the fascist bloc and the religious whackos.
I worked as a consultant for a long time. I learned that anyone who starts a question with "Why don't we just..." generally doesn't understand the problem.