I’ve recently switched to Linux (Tumbleweed) and the other day i was setting up Calibre. I already have a library on my HDD so i proceeded to simply import the existing one. No problems at all, i’ve even added a couple ebooks. Turned off the pc and went to sleep. The next day i wanted to read a book, opened up Calibre and an error appeared: filesystem on my HDD is read only. What?? Since when? No idea what happened. Any suggestions?
Following this logic i'd end up buying nothing or absolute crap. Example: i really liked Kellogg's corn flakes and i tried to switch to a local brand (Cerealitalia) but unfortunately is tastes bad. In the biggest supermarket of my town it's Kellogg's, Nestlè or Cerealitalia so it's US, shitty company or shitty product. Same goes for Coca Cola: it's Coca Cola, Pepsi or the coke with the same brand of the supermarket (tastes meh). I'm trying but it's not easy at all.