I love doing Pulled Pork for lunches and dinner. Great for a meal and then it's great to put in other dishes. Nachos and quesadillas for lazy days and then great in soup
joined 11 months ago
I took one of those booze ferries in college from Oslo to Copenhagen. The drunkest I got that whole semester by far was our trip back. But my favorite was the old ladies with boxes of hard liquor and packs of cigarettes getting off the boat
My Mushrooms of the Upper Midwest Guide has a series of top edibles in my region. Morels, Inky Caps, Cauliflower Mushroom, Chicken of the Woods, Oysters Mushrooms, Chanterells, Giant Puffballs, King Bolete, Black Trumpet and Hen of the Woods. All are suppose to be easy to identify without a deadly look alike. I haven't gotten a chance to try anyone yet but hopefully this year.
There's a few top edible mushrooms that look like nothing else. Good starting point
I always make sure I bring a nice towel on my carry on. We got some high quality cotton Turkish towels that double as blankets when traveling. Not sure if it's standard outside the hitchhikers guide.