I watched Paradise on Hulu, and LOVED it. Really looking forward to season 2.
I started watching Deli Boys, and loved that, too. I could have easily binged the entire thing, but I had to go to bed. I have a business trip over the next couple of days, but when I get back, I'm finishing it.
Try living it. As an American citizen, I have never lived with such a high level of stress and anxiety in my entire life. I am a lifelong student of history (I have a degree in a branch of history), and I KNOW where the kind of government we have now leads, and there are NO positive outcomes for the majority of Americans. Frankly, I don't think the potential outcomes will be good for the Sociopathic Oligarchs either, but they are too blinded by their sick obsession with greed and money to see it.
I don't see us getting out of this without a lot violence, destruction, and death.