Yeah, similar to Slack or Discord
Nature's Path are Canadian. Though the website says "Canadian owned and operated in the US" whatever that means. Seems like they have 1/3 plants in Canada.
I mean, it's both our auto industries. As much as I'd love to see cheap EVs, letting them in would destroy a massive industry here as surely as the tariffs.
If we can somehow entice Chinese car companies manufacture here as part of removing our tariffs, that might be a good compromise... But then they won't be cheap anymore π
It doesn't even talk about bringing in more construction workers.
Huh? "Grow the construction sector workforce" is literally the third point. Either you're being disingenuous or you didn't read the same page that I did.
If it's part of a peace deal they wouldn't be seeing actual combat, but I guess you never know with Russia. Still good experience though.
Blaming the candidates is missing the point. It's the party leaders who need to make this happen.
There needs to be a single alliance party right from the outset who's only mandate is to implement PR, call an election and disband.
I'm not disagreeing that trumps claims are bullshit? I'm wondering what the "lots of time and money" were. AFAIK, we spent a few million dollars to fly some helicopters around. We might just have very different definitions of what "a lot of money" means in the context of federal spending.
Besides, if those millions of dollars bought us one extra month of no tariffs, that's the investment of the century. Quite the opposite of a waste of time.
Uh, I'd prefer if our militaries remained on friendly terms myself. Even if our politicians don't.