and take that money from its rightful owners (the rich)?
nah, it's deficit spending all the way down (including for a lot of those tax breaks the rich are getting)
and take that money from its rightful owners (the rich)?
nah, it's deficit spending all the way down (including for a lot of those tax breaks the rich are getting)
it's an iptv stb, it doesn't need much. it's not designed for subscriber customization or 'app' loading.
maybe instead, pass a law. one with substantial penalties for failure to comply, that requires 'social media companies' of a 'certain size' to do (reasonable) 'things' in order to operate or make themselves available in canada. things that spaceman fireball would never do
well, that did it.
first, they're afraid to face voters back home, because even their voters are starting to catch-on that letting maga nuts run roughshod all over the federal government is not a good thing.
now they aren't gonna let 'hostile' witnesses into those sorts of hearings anymore, either, just ones that will lie to help advance their twisted agenda.
obviously you have to wait for them to go lookin' for pic-a-nik baskets then.
most retailers won't be happy with the same net per unit when fewer units will sell due to the higher prices, so they'll be adding more than just that 25% of 'cost' to the final retail price.
the basic idea of the tariffs for lord diaper is to pressure those countries into doing what he wants. the revenue stream is secondary to that goal, but is a significant shift of tax burden onto the lower and middle classes; while the wealthy get tax cuts 'funded' by those tariffs that disproportionately affect those least able to afford the higher prices.
"then what's all the cuts to medicaid and snap and other benefits and programs going to?"
more tax cuts for the rich.
"how about all the other 'savings' from 'doge'?"
more tax cuts for the rich.
"then why is the deficit still growing by billions and billions?"
more tax cuts for the rich.
"when is it our turn?"
hate. he sells hate and hurt, and the maga nuts want to see certain people hurt, even at their own expense.
translation for the masses: it's about "making america's rich, richer". he don't give a fk about you or me or anyone else. just those very few at the top (and even then, he don't care about them, either, unless they're giving him a cut or are a pathway to power)
the same captions could be used for hamburger or hotdog buns.
let's give the new dnc chair, who comes from the minnesota dfl*, a chance, eh?
* that's minnesota's democrat-farmer-laborer party
translation: "i'm gonna keep being a dick to our neighbors and they better do what i say!"