Meta shares data in every country where it works, the same in China as in the US, somewhat less in the EU
If you use Gecko too, because Google rules mainly the web standarts, not the engines. Yes, Google put the rules also in the Store, but not the inbuild features in the browser, in Vivaldi most of the extensions from the store are redundant. It has an own customizable ad/tracker blocker, tab, management, screenshot tool, translator hosted by Vivaldi, clock and pomodoro timer, Markdown notes, UI customizations better than any extension or in any other browser...... you can use Chrome extensions, but you don't really need it. Apart permits to install user scripts (eg. from Greasyfork or OpenuserJS) direct as extensions, without the need of an user script manager, if you need functions which are banned from the Chrome Store because Mv3.
Yes, Google can decide what goes in it, but because it's FOSS, any other can decide what to delete from it. The power of Google isn't Chromium, but the Chrome Store, it's services, and all Websites which use Google APIs. Vivaldi has less relations with Google than Mozilla/Firefox, it don't have third party investors or sponsors, like Mozilla, which depends on Google ads and money and recently also from another advertising company, loosing it's independence with it.
Also because Blink is the best and most advanced engine. The problem of Chromium is only that it need to gut out the Google APIs before it is a valid base for an browser. Vivaldi does it, also degoogled Chromium and even EDGE (but in change filling it with a ton of M$ tracking APIs). The only alternative (Linux only) is the Konqueror Browser with the Grandfather of Blink, KHTML by KDE (German company).
Nothing new, never thought that Bluetooth is a safe connection, this is why I always use devices with cable (keyboard, mouse, headphones....). It's somewhat less comfortable as with Bluetooth, but way more safe and stable.