
joined 1 year ago
[–] Zeon@lemmy.world 0 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I think we should attack this issue at the root. There are already backdoors in the devices anyway, so what's this court case really going to achieve? I get it, because it would be a known backdoor,, but think of all the nastier NSA backdoors that aren't disclosed to the public. We've lost already by the masses using this proprietary garbage. Schools have failed to teach libre software, this is one of the major reasons we're here in the first place.

[–] Zeon@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

That was not to be taken seriously, but I could see that in myself lacking empathy. I'll the advice regardless, because I did some self reflection and do think I'm lacking that part of myself. Thank you.



I’m a 21-year-old guy looking to improve my social skills. I go out to bars but still struggle to socialize. I often find it hard to keep conversations going, and honestly, I sometimes feel bored even when I’m talking to people. Occasionally, I have a good chat, but I tend to be the quieter one in the group.

I love to sing, and after I’m done at the bar, I like to walk around town and ask if people want to hear me sing. A lot of folks are open to it and say they enjoy it (maybe they’re just being nice, but some really seem to like it). I’m passionate about playing guitar and want to start painting and writing too. I also like to go out to town and sit on a bench and just play my guitar, usually just Nirvana songs.

I’m pretty introverted, but I’m not afraid to approach people. I can introduce myself to groups, but I often struggle to keep the conversation going, almost like I bore them. I’ve also faced rejection from women about 4-5 times in a row, which I know is mostly my fault because I come off as desperate or just don’t know what I’m doing. I haven’t had friends or anyone to talk to for a year or two (I don't use social media). I’m average-looking, but I’ve had some really beautiful girls come up to me, only to lose interest when they see I’m a bit odd. I've also never really had a girlfriend before, nothing longer than 3 months.

Any advice would be appreciated!

P.S. I’m not really looking to read dating or socializing books; I want to stay true to myself. But if someone has a recommendation that helped them, I might check it out.


Hello, I recently bought an acoustic guitar, and this is my second attempt at learning to play.

I made some progress, teaching myself basic chords and strumming, but I'm having trouble following sheet music/chord patterns and similar resources. Sometimes, when I'm watching a YouTube video on how to play a song, they don't provide the strumming pattern or other details.

I've only been playing for a month, and I really enjoy it, but I feel like I'm starting to slow down again. I did download a book on how to improve my playing, which I plan to read later today.

I was wondering if anyone had a few resources they'd be willing to share.

Thank you!


Hello, I'm not that informed about UBI, but here is my arguement:

Everyone gets some sort of income, but wouldn't companies just subside the income by raising their prices? Also, do you believe capatilism can co-exist with UBI?