
joined 1 year ago
[–] YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world 5 points 11 hours ago (1 children)


Talk about "bone apple teeth" πŸ˜…


@lukeandpete on tiktok. I am not affiliated with them and I have no ownership claim over the original content, this is a repost of a clip I thought was hilarious and wanted to share.

PDF links are broken for me

[–] YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world 33 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Does anyone know who this person actually is? Shouldn't we try to tell them this is happening?

How about all tech backdoors are bad and we should aim to use and make software and hardware that is ethically produced and usable without selling out your privacy and security?

Some quick points:

  • blocked off API access (last I checked you could get around this by paying an exorbitant fee πŸ™„) meaning 3rd party apps don't work and you absolutely must use the official app which is garbage and collects all kinds of data from what I've heard (never used it) as well as disabling services that do stuff with reddit data from the API such as mass delete scripts users would use to get their content off reddit

  • fertile ground for bots and bad actors to manipulate, misinform and recruit users into alt-right and other spaces that perpetuate harm

  • moderation policies and practices that allow and in some cases encourage Nazi shit while blocking or restricting harm reduction, LGBTQIA+, anti-fascist, etc topics

  • massive astroturfing and dis/misinfo campaigns

  • flagging the word "Luigi" for violent content with automod and giving people warnings for upvoting content that goes against preferred narratives

And certainly more that I'm forgetting

[–] YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Does anyone know how to reliably delete an entire reddit account, ideally editing over each comment as well? I did this before they closed off access to the API but upon checking months later, they had reverted all the changes so my account looks like it did before with everything visible.

Its literally right on there.

You might want to check to make sure they didnt undelete it. They did that to me

[–] YarHarSuperstar@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

pseudointellectuel [sic]

Edit: also in case you want one more:


attempting to change the topic we are actually discussing

How exactly am I doing that by pointing out that you're not actually arguing in good faith?

You are projecting in your accusation that I am attempting to change the topic, as you are the one who initially posted a top level comment attempting to shift the blame to politicians for convincing people to buy a car from a known Nazi's company, which by the way is a bullshit premise in the first place for many reasons including that there are plenty of other EV manufacturers and no one forced anyone to buy a Nazi car.

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