Mod impunity, brigading, bots, reposts, repost bots, banning of 3rd-party apps, abuse of suicide prevention system by bad actors. Aside from the forum-specific culture, the site's frequent failure to upload/post comments, which sometimes resulted in 100% loss of more detailed responses, was incredibly disappointing (I'm still Ctr-C'ing all comments everywhere as a force of habit to guarantee it won't happen 5+ times/day).
joined 1 month ago
Is there risk of a sort of arms race wherein services will update and decline to render services to those who block said blacklisted ad domains, or has that already happened?
Beautiful, I like the sounds of that.
Red Alert from Westwood was great, but do we have any Nox fans hereabouts?
My friend doesn't understand this reference, could you elaborate, please?
moron opens encyclopedia "Wow, this book is smart."
It was the trite expressions that got blanketed after gaining popularity for me. Lookin' at you, "fuck around find out/FAFO" 🙄