Almost 70% of the EU is on board with helping Ukraine. Just like every Nationalist movements, it's always around 30% of assholes who want to destroy everything because they are morons.
joined 2 years ago
The EU countries need to pivot to a war time economy right fucking NOW after that display. Stop dragging your fucking feet because war is coming.
Call that bitch in.
I'm good with destroying hunger....oh wait, destroying Hungary lol.
Yeah, I'm cool with that, too.
But it helps immensely to keep a population stupid, confused, and distracted when you are one.
Gaslighting 101.
May your frozen asses enjoy the long European winter.
Not disputing that. EU leaders need to get their heads out of their asses fast and ban Twitter, regulate the fuck out of Meta, and stop thinking like it's 2010 or some shit. War is coming unless they stop Russia in Ukraine.