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[–] 2 points 3 days ago

So PPs idea of "changing" childcare and the "waste of money" dental program? Pharmacare? The housing accelerator fund to replace it with his lame ass plan of a few hundred million to "reward" cities or then "punish" cities if they do not build enough? Like wtf do you think people are doing in these cities? You not realise there is a shortage of tradespeople? That was one of the reasons we NEED immigration

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (3 children)

There's a lot of problems in this country that cannot be fixed by simply throwing money at it. Like the military or housing. It takes a complete restructuring of how it all functions and recruitment, cutting red tape or making more efficientcies within the system and building smart to preserve the environment

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Honestly he might. He's young and right when he resigned I was ashamed people pushed him to because I said mark my words people will want him back in a months time and look at it now lol

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Well when you want to be a province ans be a big boy and handle your own shit with no federal interference, that's what they did. The premiers said "we need x amount of students/immigrants this year" and the feds would say ok. Then when they recently throttled the immigration the premiers cried out "BuT ThIs HuRtS OuR LabOur ForCe".

Like everything else they just let the problem fester until it got so bad they needed big daddy feds to handle the problem.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Literally the best. No creamer needed I find

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Dude! Hell yes. Try some in your coffee in the morning;)

[–] 10 points 3 days ago

Spitting facts right there sir hell yeah. Carney's own platform has so much detail in is that even half of it getting implemented would be fucking great right now. We need an economist to help restructure our provincial economies into one

[–] 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (7 children)

I agree that he might be saying things to seem more balanced. But I think he's legit, hes a legit economist with tons of expertise and he knows how to manage an economy and think big. And we need big thinking right now. Not PP sitting there drooling about... Collecting tariff money to give tax breaks to people?? Nah man fuck that, carneys plan of cutting middle class taxes, changing the consumer price on carbon for an incentive system and keeping and increasing the industrial carbon tax? Yes pls. PP would have just gotten rid of the carbon tax across the board.

Carney also wants to keep everything the liberals made progress on and even build on it going forward. Dudes smart and is one economic wiz I want running our country rn with America being so hostile

[–] 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

How would you suggest that he solve the housing crisis after years of inaction by the premiers (who are responsible for housing) and then letting In so many foreign students so they could reduce education spending?

The liberals injected 4 billion dollars into the housing accelerator fund to help after years of inaction by the premiers.

COVID cost a lot and it def exasperated the housing crisis and I think right now Carney is the best thing to replace him with to restructure our economy inside out. Keep everything we gained with JT and pivot to get our economy balanced to then pivot back forward. In the grand scheme of things JT was kneecapped by very hostile premiers.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

He's literally going to cut middle class taxes and keep all the progress we have made under JT while pivoting our economic strategy to expand our internal and external trade partners. That's exactly what I wanted. A pivot, even most people thinking that Pierre is better have no fucking cute that Pierre would reverse everything JT had accomplished that helps the middle and working class.

Childcare - can save families 5k/yr per child. Dental care for those uninsured making under 90k/yr AFTER taxes. Pharma care for BC and diabetes. Carbon pricing on industrial emmiters. School foods program that will make sure all kids are fed.

These are all things that must remain and the CPC is just frothing at the mouth to gut them.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago

Yeah idk legal weed was great and monumental but the CCB, $10/day childcare, Dental care, pharmacare, first home savings account, the environmental reforms and carbon pricing (while MASSIVLY misunderstood) were very big achievements. Like...fucking bonkers big. He propelled us back into the 21 century along with Europe and every other developed nation.

Sure there were fuck ups and slip ups. But literally no politician is. His achievements so greatly overshadow those slip ups, and that's not even getting into his handling of the pandemic and maintaining order. Literally had one of the best recoveries of any of the first world countries post COVID while also effectively vaccinating our population and supporting individuals during job loses. All while the provinces did fuck all.

Again, legal weed is like... Fucking awesome, but these major achievements of his will go down in Canadian history as the moment when we as a nation grew up and turned the page to dominate the 21st century.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Pretty sure the entire election reform issue is a bit more then Trudeau having a simple majority. That is like amending or Charter of Rights

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