You signed up for a job where you have to make tough maybe life-threatening decisions. You take an oath to serve and protect. You wear a bulletproof vest that is also stab and slash-resistant. You respond to a call, the woman is mental and won't talk and she is holding an infant. She picks up a knife and advances on you. Do you close the gap and try to disarm her knowing your core vital areas are relatively safe from the knife and she has a child in her other hand? Nope, you might get cut. So, instead, you just smoke her and the kid.
joined 1 year ago
This is just my opinion it is based on 20+ years as a PI and Lawyer.
No one is going to release an unredacted list. Everyone is on it. If they knew Epstein they are on it. None of them know who has evidence hidden away for the day someone chooses the nuclear option. Think of it as mutually assured destruction. No one can say that if they release the list someone won't say "Well that's nice here is a photo album I put together of our last kid fucking session on the island."
They are going to cut Medicare in the next week or two, this is all theater of distraction. Welcome to the soft coup brought to you by shock doctrine.
Read the news? We are the news! You can't handle the real news! - AP