Awesome, I’ll for sure check it out! Just have to remember how to download games to my and my partner’s DSes hahaha
I’ve played the GameCube one and the Switch one, but everyone I’ve talked to said the Switch one is a downgrade from New Leaf!
Awesome, I’ll for sure check it out! Just have to remember how to download games to my and my partner’s DSes hahaha
I’ve played the GameCube one and the Switch one, but everyone I’ve talked to said the Switch one is a downgrade from New Leaf!
I will never get rid of my modded N3DSXL (with clit-joystick replaced with a PSP joystick!), my modded PSP, or my modded Vita.
I should play New Leaf. I’ve never played it before and I hear it’s the best one.
Freddie Got Fingered. SOOOO ahead of its time. I love Tom Green.
you have discovered the joke yay
I can’t get with that as a person who has sound off always