The point is that Zelenskyy has undertaken a great deal of stress during this trying time, as many Ukrainians have. The exhaustion written on his face is saddening, because it reflects the weight of the troubles assailing Ukraine, but it also shows that he is a great man, undertaking these burdens when lesser men would have fled or given up.
I used old.reddit as well, but I noticed a marked decline in the already-not-stellar quality of comment sections and an increase in karma bots posting.
Hey, congratulations! This place has its flaws, no doubt, but it's a much improved community over what Reddit has become - especially in the past 2-3 years.
Man, when I was in high school, smartphones were getting big, but the school always tried to crack down on their very existence in school grounds (much less usage).
Got my first cell in the 8th grade. Never been fond of the things.
In the original, the despairing ending was finding the remains of human civilization, which had destroyed itself.
In the 2001 version, it bizarrely ends with the main character returning to Earth, only to find that he'd changed the past or something and apes ruled in the modern day, complete with a statue of Ape Abe Lincoln.
I suppose the image, with the T-Rex surrounded by puzzled humans, felt more like the latter than the former to me.
Doubt. Fascist fuckwads.
It's true. What a disgrace.
I would say Trump's action is less 'decisive' and more 'impulsive' for that very reason. He doesn't make decisions. He just reacts, usually to how much he's shat his diaper on a given day, or how badly he wants to impress Putin and other dictators.
I'm not saying he was worthless. But I am saying that he picked excessive caution over decisive action, and that has a price in blood - especially now that US aid is likely to dry up indefinitely.
I'm pissed at everything.
Wasn't most of it undelivered until very recently?
Fuck Biden and him falling for Cold War red line rhetoric. Ukrainians wouldn't be nearly so much at the mercy of the orange twat if Biden had shown a little fucking backbone from the start.
Yea, it’s like going to a christian household for dinner and eating before grace. They don’t expect you to participate in the prayer but the least you can do is not start eating before they’re ready in their own home
Again, as stated in the meme, all of this happened on an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT INSTANCE, and Blahaj felt the need to intervene.
Sure it’s a little weird to sit their with a bowed head while they leave their magic diety a voicemail but it’s not harmful and they aren’t asking you to convert in order to eat supper.
They drove someone off for daring to have Wrongthink. Kind of sounds like they are asking to convert to eat supper - even at another table.
Me when I have to disown my 6-year old 😔