Some people don't like her because she makes a lot of comics that are like, "Haha, I have portrayed myself as the chad and you as the wojak, therefore I am superior!" Without having any actual comedic value. Example 1, Example 2 (both are reddit links, you have been warned).
She also threatened r/bonehurtingjuice with legal action to make them ban remixes of her comics, something not even Stonetoss (the Nazi comic everyone hates) has done.
She used to be pretty funny years ago, before she started focusing on hating her haters instead of making actual funny stuff. She started doing things like making a comic she knew would piss off some bigots in the comments, then making another comic (or a few) making fun of the people that hated on her to farm karma from the people who saw the original comic. Some people like that. It's just a bit too toxic for me. I blocked her account a long time ago, so idk what she's making these days.