You're wrong. HDD need about as much frequently powering up as SSD, because the magnetization gets weaker.
Surprise, surprise, generating artifical frames is creating fake fps. 🙄
I mean, it's a while since i worked in backend. But one of the base tools was to limit requests per second per IP, so they can't DDOS you. If a bot crawls your webpage you host with the intention to share, what's the harm? And if one particukar bot/crawler misbehaves, block it. And if you don't intend to share, put it in a VPN.
Is that out of date?
Company that topled a mooncraft... topled another mooncraft.
So Amazon has no limit on how much of the same produce you can buy, against scalpers? Make it percentage based for all i care.
No, i mean, bluray DRM is partly bound to keys and the player. Even blurays from 2020 often fail with libbluray and a newish player. I see no way to rip a pre-release bluray.
DVD is a bit more tame with only CSS and no BD+ VM on the drive.
For Details, look here.
1995 me would have been excited to see what crazy stuff is on the 2025 internet.
And horrified at how it's done.
One is running some nobodies over, the other making a rich person some pennies less rich.
Must set a precedent, y'know?
stole "numerous 'pre-release' DVDs and Blu-rays" between February 2021 and March 2022. He then allegedly "ripped" the movies, "bypassing encryption that prevents unauthorized copying
How? Especially pre-release bluray?
Btw, is it still a thing that sensitive electrolyt condensators are placed too close to the power supply? The old plasma of my parents still runs, i once placed a piece of cardboard inbetween (i'm aware of the issue with the altered airflow of cooling).