Zaheer did exactly that to the earth queen, killing her, and nearly killed Korra the same way. So yes, airbenders can do that.
joined 6 months ago
Maybe. But you know what? Protestors ran off the VP from his weekend getaway. Even if he did just go to a "more luxurious" resort, he still went running tail between his legs from his originally planned vacation, and at the very least had to spend a bunch of time traveling instead of doing the skiing he planned to do. I can definitely tell who's more pathetic in this scenario.
They say they're gonna protest outside their reps office on a DAILY BASIS and you basically come back screeching, "You're not doing enough!" Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense.
The cloud was absolutely water bending. Aang used airbending to fly up, but collecting the water means you're condensing the water vapor that is mixed with air and specifically moving the water into katara's waterskin.
Also to respond to a couple other comments at the same time: Yes, waterbenders can bend steam, and change it's phase. In The Drill, Sokka breaks a pipe, filling the room with steam, to get an engineer with schematics to come. When he shows up, Katara flash freezes him in place, using the steam the had filled up that room.
As for air controlling any gaseous substance, I don't think we have any idea if other gasses could be controlled by an airbender, but since "air" is a mix of a bunch of different gasses to begin with it stands to reason they could bend a number of different gaseous substances. And for waterbenders, probably just depends how much water is in that liquid. We know blood and perfume can be bent by waterbenders, at the very least. Lavabenders belonging to earth bending makes perfect sense, as lava is literally molten rock. You yourself said "water can do ice and stuff since that's just a phase change", and that's exactly what rock into lava is. The ability is pretty rare though, as I imagine it takes a lot more "power" to phase change earth than it does water, as it's melting point is so much higher. Also, as Toph says, earth is a stubborn element, so it takes a very powerful bender to produce, or more often, an avatar. Metalbending is actually much easier for most earthbenders to learn, as lavabending was used by Kyoshi at least if not discovered earlier, but metalbending became much more widespread even though it was discovered hundreds of years later.
As for what does air get? Spiritual projection mumbo jumbo. Also vacuum creation.
There are other sub bending specialties too. Combustion (fire), sand (earth), healing (water), sound (air). So they all get a buncha extra stuff than just the base "bend your element".
And now I have gone on waaaay too long about this.