Either possibility is equally funny!
I dug into 'Creation Science' for a while as a result of the cognitive dissonance. Trying to square reason and science with religion and belief in an inerrant Bible. Ultimately, I lost my religion and had an existential crisis that lasted about a year.
It was terrible. Panic attacks and circular thinking. An existential crisis is depression's cousin. Painful, frightening, and eventually exciting. I'm free now. I got rid of the slavery that was pushed into me as a child. Still have to fight the guilt and bad thought patterns.
I was not successful in bringing any friends or family with me from before. I tried. I have regrets, but would do it again.
Just a note on the efficacy of activist messages in FOSS.
In the Aughts, I was learning to play with microcontrollers. PIC microcontrollers were free as well as the JAL language. I ordered a hardware programmer from the Dutch guy who created JAL: Wouter van Ooijen. Probably my first purchase online. There was a statement in the license, to the effect of, the language could not be used to develop arms.
Looking back, that was a turning point for me. I was machining arms for a living and continued to do so for years. It got me to thinking about what it was that I was producing with my hands. Weapons for killing people.
I thought about it a lot. All these things I was making with blood and sweat being used to kill people. Running machines on night shift gives you time to think.
His statement was, at minimum, at least partially responsible for me changing my mind. I grew past the bad religion and far right ideology that I was taught.
I'm going to send him a thank you note.
Did you read the article? If you have a problem with the political messages he is adding to the releases, you've probably been brainwashed by a government or a political party. He's not saying anything controversial, mostly just "Hey y'all, genocide bad."
Red bull, in moderation, is acceptable. In fact, when you expect exceptional effort from your developer, such as 'crunch time', Red Bull supplementation is encouraged.
A productive developer is a happy developer!
Developer's needs are pretty simple, however. Keep clean straw for bedding, fresh coffee, and unimpeded access to an Ethernet jack. Your developer can have gummy worms or beer in small quantities, as a treat. Of course, the bulk of their diet should be ramen/developer chow. A simple correction, such as deleting system32 or not properly shutting down Linux, is usually all that is needed. They'll provide you with years of faithful service.
Adopt a developer today!
This is what happens when you don't use crypto as god intended: purchasing medication from India and subscriptions to indexers.
Purchase Bitcoin right before purchase. Watch the spare change left over go up and down and imagine all the millions you could be winning or losing.