Lol ok
I'm not saying your frustration is invalid, I'm one of the lucky ones like you. But I think sometimes in these types of scenarios it's helpful to look at the overall scoreboard and see that as shitty as it may be, you're still in pretty good shape. Another good house will come around.
Remember how lucky you are to be in a position where you can think about buying a house in the first place
Yes I'm American and yes they're pretty common I'd estimate I personally care for at least 1-2 each month
Oh boy! ER Nurse at a busy urban trauma center
The one I'll never forget was self inflicted GSW to head. He pulled the trigger with the gun pointed to his temple. Bullet somehow immediately took a turn downward and exited through his jaw on his opposite side.
Came in by EMS alert and neuro totally intact. I heard he even walked out of the hospital on his own when he was discharged
Gorgeous! Where is that?