
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

how well known is the sub? Are we talking like, 30 users, or like 300k users.

daily reminder that you can just use they/them in place of he/her she/him pronouns because that's literally a designed feature of the english language.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

oh shit my fellow db0 instancers, i'm here too!

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (12 children)

i mean yeah, generally when a society idolizes a killer, it's not for a particularly good reason (society wise)

and before anybody tries to yap about it, no there would only be a potential long term benefit to this kind of thing, slight shift in politics, maybe on the extreme end a government uprising, which will take many a year to come to fruition, and cause many years of instability. Generally these kinds of things only bring short term problems, when acted upon, humans are just animals, the salem witch trials happened for a reason, if left unchecked, this would turn into a bloodbath very quickly. Lots and lots of people would die. most of them not billionaires.

this would also be susceptible to magnetic field switching as well, shouldnt be a huge technical limitation, but im not sure accuracy is going to be quite as good.

there's a significant difference in jamming capability between different frequencies? Are you jamming them from space or something?

That doesn't really seem like a significant technical limitation to me.

this is just some autistic shit from musk most likely.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

technically, originally the GPS system was private, until made public, where it had error obfuscation, until semi recently it was released fully.

It was originally funded by the US government, still is, it's just publicly accessible now.

(the original usecase being for shit like ICBMs and what not, obviously)

GPS? You mean the technology that we as a country collective maintain? And have continued to maintain since it's immediate inception?

Yeah, ok.

Call me when you start using glonass.

this is definitely an interesting explanation, although i don't know how much difference there is between this and my theory of "people are just less involved in politics, and as a result, engage less critically with it, as they do with everything else in their lives these days"

The average person is completely overwhelmed and operating on a low-level fight-or-flight type reasoning.

i think this is sort of accurate? I think the difference is that people are choosing not to invest their time and energy into these things, before engaging with them, leading to a very low quality of work. I.E. bad elections. Just looking at social media seems to confirm this outright.

The only short term solution is immense pain and suffering, any sufficient amount of distress will motivate something to engage in more aggressive and risky behaviors, which is the only way out of this mess in any short order, though it may not be desirable.

The long term answer is solving the media issue, because that's a huge problem, solving the social media issue, which is 70% of the issue at this point, and forcing people to engage critically with this kind of stuff.

The hard part is finding out how to do this effectively without negating the very benefits derived from engaging in this kind of social restructuring. It may very well be too late for us to do anything to combat it, we might be at the crab bucket point in mr bones wild ride.

People are willing to do anything except for engaging in thought provoking/critical levels of social engagement, even if makes a fool of themselves. Just look at any social media, any hot button political issue. It's all just fish in a barrel.

man this comment is, one of the comments of all time. I think.

i mean, i'm not sure modern social justice is working as intended given the political landscape, but historically small communities do manage to self regulate very effectively, that one is for sure. I will give you that.

The only effective way to mandate something at a societal level is going to be laws, i.e. government, otherwise you're going to have an extremely disjointed and culturally diverse society, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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