Clippy was so ahead of its time... They really just need to bring him back... With all this ai shit he would be even better than he ever was in the past
Its worse than you would think...
Not the video I was looking for but it proves the point...
You're turning this into something it's not about...
Just do better and help people be better man... How is that too much to ask?
Yeah I'm dumb... Can't Read
Well I'm an idiot... That's all
The person I replied to said he wondered how it fooled lidar...
It didn't fool lidar... The car equipped with lidar stopped before hitting the wall because it saw the obstacle not what was on the obstacle
And just because you didn't vote for a racist sexist committed felon, means you're better?
Because your party is so great and wants you to prosper? Or is it just controlled by corporations and billionaires with the same agendas?
Did I say that though? I don't think I did... Not liking someone and not criticizing them because they are a bad person is not the same thing as wishing they were a better person... You can do those things at the same time...
No one said be nice to Nazi... You just want them not to be... And maybe if you can do something to help them. instead of you know wishing that they would suffer.
Especially when all of the wrong a lot of these people did was vote for someone because they were told lies about how things would be better...
No just the property of the very rich dude, who is attacking our system of government to benefit himself and his wealthy friends...
And the only outlet people have is the destruction of the property of said dude because the other idiot is the president...
This is only going to get worse... And the fact these companies with board members aren't or can't get this guy out is very telling of something...
Didn't you know Canada is part of North America? And we are the united States of America... Therefore Canada must be a state ..and unite with us
And that's what they mean when they want to run the government like a business... It's been clear from the current administration that their goal is to get rid of everything that doesn't bring in profit... Because the numbers must go up... It's so frustrating... This is just another level... The business's that lobby to make everything shitty are now trying to cut out the middle man I guess....