Oh yes, I very sure we can compare atoms with humans. Maybe inside the sun a man can become a woman and vice-versa
I think it’s really funny you left out the exact intersex conditions that disprove your point, Swyer syndrome and de la Chapelle syndrome.
And again, those are conditions, not something you choose to be, you are simply born like that.
So someone with de la Chapelle syndrome is neither a man nor a woman but has a syndrome?
Well than, waht is someone with Chappel syndrome?
Sex is not just chromosomes (as proven by the two conditions I linked above)
Oh yes, it's also the malformations that you were born with
with hormone replacement therapy, which changes some secondary sex characteristics. Or even just gynecomastia does it too.
oh so you need drugs to mimic traits from the opposite sex (there are only two after all) and gender is given by your sex.
Forrest Valkai’s new Sex and Sensibility video (warning, it’s long).
I am actually gonna watch this
Language is completely made up and changes all the time. But you’re claiming it will never change again?
Yes, language is not "made up" it evolved and will evolve naturally, demanding language to change to cater to you is not natural.
Arguments mate, or you are just wasting our time.
Let me ask you this:
What is the 3rd gender that one can "transition" to? Does one need to take drugs to impede their biological physiology to work properly if they want to "transition"? If one stops taking hormonal drugs what will happen?
Any individual can have different traits:
- a woman can be agressive, impatient with kids and mean
- a man can be a good cook, can like to clean take care of kids and easy to scare
- a woman can be good at fighting and assertive
- a man can have mood swings
Nothing of what I said makes anyone less of a man or woman, they are EXACTLY what they were born with whatever masculine or feminine traits they have.
From the article:
"Girls born with XY chromosomes are genetically boys but for a variety of reasons – mutations in genes that determine sexual development"
And again, they don't magically become the other sex, that was already determined at birth.
XY it's man, XX it's woman, nothing will ever change that...
There are intersex people, of course: Klinfelter syndrome (XXY) Turner syndrome (X) There is also XXXY which brings serious disabilities
So you as a man puttin on a wig WILL NEVER make you a woman.
"~95% of all animals in the world are ghonocoric in which individuals are either female or male sex" - "Genome evolution and mating systems in plants" Aline Muyle and Gabriel Marais
You are either a man, a woman, or you have a syndrome, a genetical mutation, a birth defect. It's a delusion to believe that you can change your biological sex during your lifetime.
I will never hold anything against these poor souls, it's not their fault for how they were born. But people cutting up their genitals and saying they are a woman now while stuffing themselves full of hormones are simply delusional.
I'm so glad that were I live there are virtually 0 "trans". Only time in my life when I had to say "Please stop talking to me and imagine I don't exist" was with a dude cosplaying as a woman.
And no, you won't change speech, you are a man and a he, a woman and a she. That's it, you can get as angry as you want, nothing will ever change that.
Yeah, and those are malformations and genetical defects that come with a lot of problems.
I don't know why people glorify them... Also, there is absolutely no way that a man born with XY magically will change it in their lifetime as the posts sugests.
So we agree that there are
XX - woman XY - man
And some genetic mutationa in between XXY - Klinfelter syndrome XXXY - no idea how this is called X -Turner syndrome XX intersex XY intersex And true gonadal intersex
And still these are medical conditions, a man on drugs wearing a wig is still a man, and a woman on drugs to grow facial hair is still a woman.
It's a he and a she regardless