You're not wrong. The Democratic strategy for the past what? 35 years now has been to constantly engage in "hippie punching" to try to seem more reasonable to so-called "moderates" by criticizing the Far Left™. So in a sense one could say that the left has been stuck in an abusive relationship for a long time.
joined 2 years ago
Yes that's one of the actual pictures from the indictment they brought against him. He apparently had like 300 different documents of varying levels of classified status. There's a couple more iirc of different places like a bedroom and a ballroom stage too. Basically it seems like he had his goons just hide anything he could get his hands on in random boxes of what were supposed to be just irrelevant personal effects
He was only indicted specifically for like 30 of them but my understanding is they specifically chose ones they were willing to have potentially entirely exposed.
Probably, but there's likely to be a lot of infighting about which one of them would take over.