
joined 3 months ago

I did this today as you suggested. I pretended I was deaf and didn't even look at them when they tried waving at me and calling me. Normal employees no yellow vest either so they're not even AP. Just kept walking

Interesting insight and I have experienced what you talk about in the earlier years. I really feel like we need some sort of free community of tools and resources we can pay for together as a community either through ads or subscription or something that has a bunch of incredible tools people can use. Like $15 a month to cover all server costs for a bunch of free programs any of us could use


I don't get how we are in the year 2025, most advanced technology we have ever had in human existence.... And everything is behind a paywall. Literally everything. Whenever I search the web for a solution as an individual person, not a business or Mega Corporation, just a simple person trying to do a few creative things... Everything is behind a paywall

For example, I want to create a logo image for a personal Tableau dashboard that has a transparent background. Just a struggling person trying to find work and show what I'm capable of making. You know what I find? Everything is behind a payroll. One of the first results on Google that can actually help you is canva! But everything on canva is behind a paywall! You want to resize your document? Transparent background? Paywall. Okay then what if I go to a website to remove the background? There's lots of them on the Internet that say they are free. Sorry, those are all behind paywalls as well. You have to upload your image to them and then by credits but they don't tell you that when you get to the website....

Also, editing PDF files... Year 2025, you cannot possibly edit a PDF file for free, and most of the PDF readers out there or PDF viewers have some sort of clickbait this is free! Except that is not free, it's behind a paywall and you'll find that out eventually....

I think we are all very excited to see what AI can finally do for Humanity because I am so damn sick of everything being


Walmart near me has started using receipt checkers lately and they don't even really do their job, it's kind of a gimmick really. They just look at the receipt for a second Don't even look at your cart, but they stop you every time. It's just such a waste of my time when I'm in a hurry. I had one person even tell me that it was required by law. No it's not! There's no law in the USA that says they have to check your receipt.


This is the longest and most insane job posting I've ever seen. Viewing it on mobile is like 25 pages long


I'm sick of being laidoff. Got laid off again today, second time in 4 years in a big corporate layoff. Seems I can't ever find any respite these days. No matter how hard I work or how much I put in, just bound to be laid off and even though I've been recognized officially through merit repeatedly, these companies here in the USA just keep laying people off And then passing all the jobs on to India for 3K a year salary....

So disheartening. At this rate I might as well just retire from White collar work and go and learn a trade as a tradesman, completely redo my entire life goals