Fucking Baghdad Bob had more integrity than this.
Every single Ukrainian who has so much as spit-shined a boot for the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be thrown in a labor camp indefinitely. The only reason I could see this not being the case is if the Russians cannot logistically handle that internment.
Prison commissary type beat
At this point I think a clean break from the US is probably one of the best outcomes. Don't give these degenerate cretins anything, they will use whatever position they have to crowbar in more and more exploitation until they have everything. No calls, no visits, no deals. Make us a pariah.
If you own a car made after like 2012, look into disabling the DCM/telematics system for your model. Pull the fuse, or unplug the cables, or straight up remove all the hardware. Its not a perfect and comprehensive solution but it's something.
Yeesh. So what's an alternative?
I dunno man. When Russia sends crippled men to the front it's desperate and pathetic, when Ukraine allows it it's honorable and inspiring?
That guy pictured has no hands. I just don't see how he can overcome that to the point where he's not a liability and danger to himself and his comrades.
This saga has been a ride so far. There is no way this guy is mentally stable at this point, he is going to do anything and spend every dime he has until he's either found it or he brushes his teeth with a .38.
I want Ukraine to have a definite and permanent victory, but lionizing the UAF at every level is the propaganda line, not admitting their shortcomings. Its been over 2 years, they've put up a very admirable fight and done a lot of damage to Russia but they've suffered a lot of damage as well. It's a meat grinder for everyone, with minimal to no gains and no end in sight. I am not at all surprised by news of desertions, draft dodging, and generally low morale.
Bike cuck vibes