And cookies.
The dark mode cookies in particular ;)
joined 2 years ago
Within return/rma window: Yes? Why not?
If I remember correctly I have seen an nginx page in combination with some chromecast device.
I must remind you where your Bluray Remux release is sourced from.
Tron Legacy.
One of the few soundtracks I can listen from front to back.
You rent hardware.
A better price as low density chips are cheaper.
And you can fit in more of those in a bigger space = Cheaper.
That SanDisk is it's own company now.
But I don't k ow if they are still a subsidiary or completely spun of WD.
If you exclude the introductory price of the drive and needing specialized software to read/write to it it's very affordable €/TB
Considering the high prices for high density SSD chips...
Why are there no 3.5" SSDs with low density chips?
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You need to compile your own cocoa from the source.
Heres the conch, the cocoa beans are in your cup, a bit of sugar and a bit of milk.
If you need help compiling all ingredients, call the farmer.