is this only for canadians or can european also sign?
South Tyrol is the original Tyrol, since theres Village and Castle Tirol, but i get you.
hopefully not for many more years
im euro. Most of my short Life i have looked up to the USA . I thought:"Wow, USA!" I was happy we were allied and in Nato, that we would defend eachother and grow ever closer.
I have never imagined that there could be a Man like Trump in power or that there would be a potential Coup? I thought thats only in Russia, China or some third world shithole!
Well, anyway i became disillusioned. The USA isnt perfect. I was to naiv. obviously.
im central european. afaik here the boycott and buy european mentality isnt yet in full force. i first said that i will boycott/buy european and from western countries. then i said pls join me in the Olvid messaging app instead of whatsapp. chrome disabled ublock origin a few days ago so i said switch to vivaldi or atleast "easier" brave. i have sent my fsmily a few charts of firms which are from america and another chart of alternatives of apps.
in austria we call them taitschlond.
hes crazy