EDITED: After initially misreading the post, I'm actually very glad that I just joined an instance where the majority of people is so against Facebook and their scummy business.
Meta (lemm.ee)
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Hey, are you sure you're not misinterpreting the votes? There was a small minority of users in favor of federating, but the majority was against it.
I did misread lol thanks for reaching out. The way it was phrased confused my brain...long day at wok haha
This is a community of individuals escaping from corporate manipulation and abuse. As a new platform, we need to support our own and grow a healthy foundation.
If we give this parasite access to our community, others trapped on meta platforms will never leave their comfort zone to try something new and potentially better(to them).
When were big and strong like ox and with a name more recognizable than reddit, we can federate and show off our strong community. Or move on due to fading interest in threads like most meta platforms
If there's one thing that the Fediverse has the capability of doing it is introducing real competition into the social media space though,
By defederating and cutting off users of that meta platform from the rest of the Fediverse you are strengthening metas monopoly though. You're making it more difficult for people to leave that platform.
People choose a social platform based on the people they can communicate with. I still have to maintain a Facebook account because there are people on that platform that I need to stay in contact with. I don't want to have a Facebook account but I have to because it's the only way to keep in contact with them.
If Facebook federated and I could communicate with those people who decide that they want to stay on Facebook I could then get rid of my Facebook account. I could take advantage of the biggest benefit of the Fediverse and enjoy my social media experience on whichever instance I want without cutting myself off from people who've chosen to be on a different social media instance of some kind.
Federating with meta platforms will Make it easier for people to leave meta platforms. Anymore most people are only on Facebook because it is a monopoly and you have to be there in order to talk with everyone that's there. Giving people an option to talk to people on Facebook without having to be on Facebook yourself makes it easier for people to leave Facebook.