Great post !
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Hopefully Lemmy becomes bigger than Reddit. I was banned from Reddit for life and it's unfair because it's up to the whims of various moderators.
Hi dudies
hi! is there any "default" community or a place where every new user is automatically registered in? or a place where we can see some kind of graph for lemmy users signing up on a daily basis? would be nice for ! datahoarding too haha.
Hey, there isnβt any default community right now. There are a few different databases that track graphs of such things, for example,
thanks! will check that out. hats off to you for your hard work and effort for lemmy.
That is a wonderful chart.
Congratulations. Great to see growth :)
Happy to be here, happier to see it grow!
For how long I have to wait until I can upload images for a community after my registration? Thx
That's why I couldn't upload images, the UI on mobile never gave me an error explaining this, it would be good to better make users aware of this.