As much as I would like it to succeed, I believe it will fail to lead the hero shooter genre.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Hero shooter is a subgenre and no game will ever really lead it. Marvel Rivals, Valorant, and this are all hero shooters, but otherwise have practically nothing in common.
Rivals and overwatch have a shit ton in common. I see overwatch as the pioneer of hero shooters, maybe TF2.
Not to be pedantic, but it's worth mentioning that two of the few biggest hero shooters are very similar.
That doesn't change hero shooters being a subgenre and many of them having nothing in common. Of course I wasn't saying two hero shooters can't be similar and directly compete, I was just saying that two games being hero shooters does not make them similar.
Comparing Valorant to Apex to Overwatch doesn't make much sense, they all play very differently and are different genres, even if they all share the hero shooter subgenre.
The entire idea of hero shooters was born from combining MOBA and shooter mechanics, so I just find it weird to compare Deadlock to these games when it is primarily a MOBA.
Honestly I just hate how much people compare games in general. Some games, like Rivals and Overwatch, deserve to be compared, but most games are trying to do their own thing. People acted like Deadlock was Valves take on Overwatch when the games don't play remotely similar besides having a hero select screen and abilities - two things that first game from MOBAs.
I've never heard of this, but I I see "MOBA shooter" and immediately think of Paragon.
Paragon is definitely the comparison one can makr to Deadlock, but Deadlock feels a lot better (imo) and puts more emphasis on the shooter aspect of the game, both in shooting and movement options.