The internet used to feel like a treasure hunt. Let’s bring that back.
Find a cool or useful website on the internet. Share it here so others Lemmings can bookmark it too.
I could do more. It's up to you. I know a lot about UX and have been a web developer for almost 20 years now.
others wip
Wow you're really going for it. Awesome.
Looks a lot better already.
Yes Sirr. Thanks to you.
There are 5 mentions to contact you in your footer: “Let’s connect”, “let’s talk”, “contact me”, “hit me up”, “submit suggestions”.
Corrected it “Load more” could use a spinner on the button to show that it’s loading something. Always consider your site to be slow on your end-users machines.
Your Blog “Dear Diary” is weird and is like a totally different website. I fail to see what it has to do with your service “find a website from a corner on the internet”. Really try to separate these because it will confuse a lot of people. ----- Hmm I dont know I wanna use it to store news letters and write blogs
Thank you so much for the pointers, I am reviewing everything.
No problem. Some of it may be harsh but I'm always trying to help.
Good luck on your project!!
Thank you, I made some changes already. Need to figure out the banner. Wil keep you posted, thansk again.
That de-escalated quickly.
I might have been reviewing things too much lately.
Ahh I understand the frustration and I'm new so need to take whatever feedback comes my way ig