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So on March 6th, Seth Magaziner (D-RI) introduced the “No Invading Allies Act”, which would prohibit Trump from invading or seizing territory from Canada, Greenland, and Panama. Here’s a link to read about it: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1936

As Trump continues his threats (which are not “jokes”), it’s important that some action is taken. So far the bill has been cosponsored by Norton (D-DC), McIver (D-NJ), Thanedar (D-MI), Boyle (D-PA), Evans (D-PA), Titus (D-NV), Swalwell (D-CA), and Jayapal (D-WA)

If your Representative isn’t listed as a cosponsor, here’s a link on how to find and contact them and ask them to cosponsor it: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/119/hr1936/comment

Originally Posted By u/openedgoddamndoor At 2025-03-09 11:25:32 AM | Source


The protest will take place from 12pm to 4pm at the state capital.

submitted 18 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

I have canceled the plans I had for spring break and am heading to DC. I have seen enough online and I feel obligated to go. I am coming to do more than just protest, I need to hear what the people have to say. I am from a small city with no response to what's going on. Since I am heading down alone, where can I find people to hear? Where will the largest groups be? I have been to DC enough times to know my way around the mall and I am staying 2 blocks from the white house.

Originally Posted By u/KnickCage At 2025-03-09 10:29:43 PM | Source


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Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-09 08:04:06 PM | Source


We all know it was bullshit but I need something to point to as proof.

Originally Posted By u/SnooObjections6152 At 2025-03-09 07:03:31 PM | Source

submitted 18 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

Congress is proposing a new bill titled: Presidential Savings Time

In this bill, we turn the clocks ahead 4 years!

All those in favor say Aye!

Originally Posted By u/YouWorkForMoney-Com At 2025-03-09 02:16:21 PM | Source


Originally Posted By u/Accomplished_Sea6649 At 2025-03-09 10:25:55 AM | Source


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This started with just me and a flyer I made, piggy backing off International Women’s day. Don’t be afraid to utilize social media, piggy back with other organizations, or to use your voice to stand up and speak out. don’t forget!! Together united we will never be divided! Proud of my city today.

Originally Posted By u/courtneythebaker907 At 2025-03-08 10:32:27 PM | Source


So I had a friend send me a tik tok about RFKS wellness plans thinking it was a joke and I said no that was a legitimate thing and then we finally started talking about what was going on. She knows NOTHING and I mean NOTHING she avoided politics like the plague and now I’m wondering do we have something that can be a synopsis a baby step into this all? There has been so much happening it’s hard to even start. Can someone give me a good source for a summary and or should we make one? Turning people like my friend over is probably one of the best ways to get more numbers because a lot of people don’t know this isn’t just politics as usual.

Originally Posted By u/Nice_Commercial_716 At 2025-03-09 10:46:05 PM | Source

Hello from Bakersfield (self.California)
submitted 2 days ago by InfamousSmile to c/California

Hi from Bakersfield. We're not all Trump sycophants! 😀

submitted 17 hours ago by Gem to c/Georgia

cross-posted from: https://50501.chat/post/16997

With everything going on in the world, wanted to point out a big protest going on in Georgia (one of the swing states Harris lost this election). On March 20th, the Georgia Youth Justice Coalition, which to my knowledge is entirely youth-led, is having a TON of young people to the Georgia State Capitol throughout the day to testify to lawmakers and advocate for their OWN future. Who’s in?

Link in Comments ⬇️

Originally Posted By u/saifhsn07 At 2025-03-10 12:46:19 AM | Source


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This is from a meeting yesterday with FIFA, you can find the full 11 minute video online

Originally Posted By u/whatatrip444 At 2025-03-08 05:07:02 PM | Source


How Hitler used hate to gain power and that its not worth it to fall for hate. Worth a watch, you can even do a movie night on it maybe, its scary.





Do not be discouraged (www.reddit.com)
submitted 18 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

The large Stand up for Science Protest shows that our movement, and others like it, are growing! Take heart! See if we can protest in more places, and merge the events.

Galvanize, organize, mobilize!

Originally Posted By u/Soft-Principle1455 At 2025-03-09 01:15:06 PM | Source

submitted 18 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

I live in a major US city. This morning I was out distributing the remainder of my first batch of flyers and I went to Home Depot. This is normally a full parking lot on the weekends and I'd say it was less than half full today. So I went over to the nearby Target and I was shocked. It was about 25% full and also normally packed. The boycotts are crushing big businesses.

Originally Posted By u/findingmike At 2025-03-09 03:32:29 PM | Source


I am posting to do my part and let people know about the two upcoming congressional seat special elections. I didn't find out about this until far too recently - fewer people know about this than you think. If we get the word out, we may be able to flip the house of reps by April 1st!

To flip the house of reps, the following democratic candidates are running:

Gay Valimont (FL-1, representing Pensacola, Navarre, Destin, Fort Walton Beach, etc.) - https://gayforcongress.com/

  • Please note FL-1 has more veterans than any other district in Florida. Gay Valimont has been fighting hard to support veterans in this district, especially now with the 40% projected cut to VA services. She promises to work night and day to build a full service VA hospital in her district if elected. Currently, their VA is running at 140% capacity and worsening in light of recent events. If you know veterans in this area, let them know about her!

Josh Weil (FL- 6, representing Daytona Beach, South Saint Augustine, and Palm Coast, Outer Ocala, Leesburg, and Sanford, etc.) - https://joshweil.us/

Reach out to Floridians, and let people know about it! Ask any republicans or undecided voters you know to consider voting blue, just for this special election, purely as a tactical vote; the narrower congress is, the less comfortable our politicians get, meaning they will have to work faster to bring tangible benefits to struggling americans rather than wasting time on culture / trade wars that ultimately gamble with our support funds for veterans, social security, and the cost of everyday goods like groceries and gas.

I'll reiterate, reach out to fed workers, Floridians, anyone hurting from economic uncertainty and the skyrocketting costs of everyday expenses due to this fruitless trade war with our allies and ask them to consider supporting the strategic vote this upcoming special election.

Thanks y'all. Keep fighting the good fight.

Originally Posted By u/8BitOfTheWestCoast At 2025-03-09 07:12:00 PM | Source


Hello There! I hope you all are having an amazing day today. Sadly this may upset a few people as it has me.

Donald Trump ignores a court order preventing the transfer of trans women from women's prison facilities to men's. All to satisfy his delusional desires to blame a minority for the woes of society and to distract from his take over of America.

These women suffer because of Trump, the exact details are detailed in the news article by The Guardian which I will post the link to at the bottom for you to read at your own discretion.

This, his ignoring of TOR's and his disregard for the rule of law and aggression against America and its allies; how much longer are we the people going to sit by and let him and his cronies destroy our lives and our nation? How much longer must we tolerate this? How much longer until we realise that he has 0 intentions on upholding the rule of law? How much longer must we allow him to get away with crimes against the nation and humanity?

I want people to see this and ask themselves these questions and more and come-up with their own conclusions.


Originally Posted By u/No-Mushroom5154 At 2025-03-09 02:41:21 PM | Source


The Reform BLOC. This movement is advocating for public insurance, ending any corporate lobbying, and channeling resources to low-income Americans as an absolute priority. It's just beginning, but the goal is to vote in solidarity to replace bought officials and elect those who actually represent our ideas. We'd love all the help we can get as we are growing this into a movement. If you have ideas or want to help, join Reform BLOC Discord.

Originally Posted By u/rustic__raccoon At 2025-03-09 04:20:21 PM | Source


The thing about a grassroots resistance campaign is that many people can take many different individual actions at the same time. Every single action, regardless of how small, is important if combined with millions of similar actions with the same objective and motivation in mind.

1. Core ideas

The most critical aspect of such resistance is a core set of ideas we all agree to, and each one of us can concentrate on what can we do to execute on those ideas. Namely:

  • Inequality is the problem that led to MAGA—it creates a general malaise in society that something is not right that the haves, the elites, are oppressing and taking advantage of the have nots.
  • Oligarchs are the enemy that exploit the inequality—Oligarchs have grabbed every lever of power, since Citizen's United unlimited campaign contributions have created an impossible political environment to compete in.
  • Populist Autocracy, with its propaganda, is the tool of oppression—By dividing the population into MAGA and WOKE, white and foreign, christian and non-christian, etc. The population is kept busy fighting with each other instead of looking at the oligarchs.
  • Stupidity of the general populace, all of us, is the result of the culture wars fomented by propaganda and fueled by capitalism—Stupidity is unavoidable in this phase in society, when all facts and fact-based professions are rejected and ignorance is glorified.

2. Communications is key

Goebbels , Hitler's propaganda minister, made the observation that:

Arguments must ... be crude, clear, and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.

This remains true, even if living in reality and speaking the truth. Above all, we have to follow the dictum of Delphi: Know thyself. Let’s start by not being stupid ourselves. We know that argumentation, reason, facts, and all of those things we hold dear as rational human beings just don’t work when people stand their ground atop mount stupid. We have to break down communication barriers and explore the psychology of other individuals so that we can find a way in.

The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.—Bertrand Russell

Goebbels also said:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State

The Truth is the greatest enemy of the state, the Truth is the weak point. But insanity is repeating the same action over and over again and expecting different results. We already know that facts, arguments, and reason are not working, but other methods like Socrates' and r/StreetEpistemology are good alternatives. Socrates lived in a similar period in Ancient Greece, his ability to make others see the truth is what got him condemned and killed.

One part that we must understand is that repetition is key, simple messages that can reach many people and are repeated over and over again. Simple somewhat ambiguous messages that can be adopted by many people. Messages with some humor, as comedy is a good tool to put authoritarians in a lose-lose situation.

Social media algorithms are not our friend here, going viral or hitting Reddit's top page are the exception, not the rule. And in a society where ignorance is glorified and entertainment rules, truth and reality are fighting a losing battle. So each one of us has to take the responsibility of repeating the important, simple messages, everywhere we can, in every form these can take.

Marches and manifestations are the tip of the iceberg, the eye candy for the media as a symbol of the movement and a way to display our message in placards, but these are not the whole movement. Things that can be measured, like company profits or elections, are a much clearer communications tool. Company CEOs seeing cratering company numbers will call their Republican friends. Red states turning blue are an even clearer message for a politician.

Red hat, blue hair. Oligarchs don’t care!!!

3. Address the problems

We have to make sure that Republicans, in all positions of power throughout the whole country including governors dog catchers and anyone with political aspirations, feel the shifting political winds. Elected republicans are also a social network, they talk to each other. They have to be afraid that their party will become unviable, taking their power with it. Attend local assemblies, meetings, town halls, request audiences, call, write, make it impossible for them to ignore us. Learn the facts, be prepared, but remember that asking questions is how you get them to contradict themselves and have to rationalize on the fly. To create and hit cognitive dissonances in themselves and their audience.

The more local the problems to be addressed, the better. As long as it has consequences for the authoritarians in charge.

Actions, not words!! Spineless bastards impeach the turd!!

4. Grow the movement

The most important aspect is that for the resistance to be effective and for the damage to our institutions to be minimized, we must grow as fast as possible. It’s up to each one of us to push its message far and wide, to recruit more people to the cause.

We need to do the groundwork of changing minds one by one. We know that under the present historical conditions arguments and facts don’t work, we need to look at cult deconversion techniques, interventions, and others to get them to understand what is going on and why it matters. That is engaging in r/StreetEpistemology with our community to inform and educate what the resistance is about. These videos are examples of what I mean.

Look beyond the rage, we're all in the same cage!!!

5. Provide solutions

Last, but not least, we need to be aware of the range of possible solutions that can be taken both to remove the authoritarians and once the authoritarians are removed. Solutions that serve all of society and not a particular class. Something to keep in mind when engaging in conversations. Like, for example: removing money from politics, Ranked Choice Voting, multi-member districts, taxing income inequality in companies, taxing companies that don't provide a living wage, universal health insurance, etc., etc.

Originally Posted By u/Edgar_Brown At 2025-03-09 08:53:53 PM | Source


It all started when Trump met Ivana in the 80s. Trump was groomed by the KGB when he visited Moscow. I listened to a very detailed documentary about every step of the way with Russia. He, Musk and Vance are Russian assets and they need to be tried for treason. Trump took those classified documents back to Mar a Lago in February and said now we will have Justice. I dont know what is in those classified documents but they must be real important to Putin. Those DOGE computer hackers are uploading all of our information to outside servers to be sold to the highest bidder. Putin already has every single detail he needs compliments of DOGE. WE HAVE TO STOP THEM! No reason to be afraid of traitors! We the people have the power over traitors. We all need to get off our collective asses and march on Washington. We have to save our country! Every other country is laughing at us for sitting around and letting these psychopaths destroy our country!!

Do yall want to live under the rule of a murderous madman?? The United States of America is crippling Ukraine and giving Putin the go ahead to slaughter innocent civilian Ukrainians!! Do you want that blood on your hands??

Let's do this now!! Before Trump, Musk and Vance destroy even more!! Get those sons of bitches out of the white house with the US military. Or hell, just with local cops. They are all suited up and armed to the teeth even more than the military.

All of you that are acting like there is nothing going on are also complicit in letting Russia have access to all of our military intelligence, all of our private and financial data, EVERYTHING! Get those Russian operatives out of the White House. There are no excuses to just go to work tomorrow as if your entire life is not being destroyed. Unless you have a death wish, then you do you.

Originally Posted By u/cynben At 2025-03-08 10:06:31 PM | Source



I saw this posted for a moment. Then reddit refresh and it was gone and I can’t find it.

The censorship is getting real.

Originally Posted By u/Prestigious_Cap_252 At 2025-03-09 10:43:49 AM | Source


Mahmoud Khalil’s arrest comes as Trump vows to deport foreign students involved in protests against Israel’s war - Guardian

Originally Posted By u/Calm-Rate-7727 At 2025-03-09 03:20:44 PM | Source

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