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founded 1 week ago
submitted 15 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

Originally Posted By u/astroxo At 2025-03-08 10:16:08 PM | Source

submitted 13 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

This article by Prem Thakker who writes for Zeteo substack, has been following the story of Mahmoud Khalil the organizer of the pro Palestine event the took place on the campus of Columbia university. He was arrested by ICE agents and now seems to be missing according to this article.


Originally Posted By u/Primary-Purple5140 At 2025-03-09 11:06:43 PM | Source


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Originally Posted By u/carlanpsg At 2025-03-08 03:12:12 PM | Source


Why are these former presidents so quiet, and why are they not helping lead the charge with these protests? I maybe answering my own question here, is it because they already got theirs? That they also belong in the same club as Trump and all these Nazi goons.

I’m happy to be proven wrong - but have not seen or heard a peep from them.

Originally Posted By u/ItchyScratchyBallz At 2025-03-09 06:52:15 AM | Source


"It's land of the free, not the land according to me"

"Pro - Slave, Anti - Gay, Women have no say, Anti - USA,  Donald Trump needs to go away"

“We’re not ruled by a monarchy, be snarky to oligarchy and defy Nazis” 

“Hating Jews and those different than you and your crew should be old news”

“MAGA isn’t prada, it’s nada”

“Don’t be a quitter, stop the next Hitler”

“Hate never made America great”

“Donald Trump’s heart is indecent, we need impeachment” 

“Two faced, fallen from grace, remind Trump of his place”

“Project 2025, more like Nazi propaganda in disguise, open your eyes” 

"Tears are pouring, democracy is snoring and Trump is still snorting"

Originally Posted By u/StevenTheDW At 2025-03-09 10:52:18 PM | Source


Halting military aid and intelligence to Ukraine is a telling indicator of Trump's intention to make Ukraine surrender. It is the single action that is akin to giving aid to Russia with the express purpose of defeating Ukraine. This goes against our history of defending democratic countries and against the wishes of the American people.

As such, it doesn't matter if Trump is a Russian asset or not. His actions speak for themselves.

Originally Posted By u/rpfene At 2025-03-09 04:51:15 PM | Source


For example, Trump cut ~80,000 jobs at the VA. He also cut funding for veterans to get cancer treatment and even cut the funding to have the VA sterilize instruments for surgery on veterans. His actions have been incredibly cruel and disrespectful.

So realistically, what happens in the event of martial law?

I know he has die-hard supporters in the military as well. I'm just curious about how his treatment of the vets may affect how things play out. As well as whether his policies will end up hurting people who are active in the military (or their families) over the next month, and whether that would potentially alter how the military would respond in the event of him declaring martial law.

Originally Posted By u/Prestigious-Crew-749 At 2025-03-08 10:38:39 PM | Source


I heard sage advice from a former reporter, we have to reach out to the press AHEAD of protests to get them to show up.

The local press are normal people without agendas that are covering an endless amount of info. They are not going to know what we are doing unless we loop them in ahead of time.

Call/text tip lines Email reporters Reach out on social media


Originally Posted By u/Oenewodkkoalalns At 2025-03-09 12:39:12 PM | Source


So on March 6th, Seth Magaziner (D-RI) introduced the “No Invading Allies Act”, which would prohibit Trump from invading or seizing territory from Canada, Greenland, and Panama. Here’s a link to read about it: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1936

As Trump continues his threats (which are not “jokes”), it’s important that some action is taken. So far the bill has been cosponsored by Norton (D-DC), McIver (D-NJ), Thanedar (D-MI), Boyle (D-PA), Evans (D-PA), Titus (D-NV), Swalwell (D-CA), and Jayapal (D-WA)

If your Representative isn’t listed as a cosponsor, here’s a link on how to find and contact them and ask them to cosponsor it: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/119/hr1936/comment

Originally Posted By u/openedgoddamndoor At 2025-03-09 11:25:32 AM | Source


The protest will take place from 12pm to 4pm at the state capital.


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Originally Posted By u/oogyb At 2025-03-08 05:57:27 PM | Source

submitted 15 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

I have canceled the plans I had for spring break and am heading to DC. I have seen enough online and I feel obligated to go. I am coming to do more than just protest, I need to hear what the people have to say. I am from a small city with no response to what's going on. Since I am heading down alone, where can I find people to hear? Where will the largest groups be? I have been to DC enough times to know my way around the mall and I am staying 2 blocks from the white house.

Originally Posted By u/KnickCage At 2025-03-09 10:29:43 PM | Source

They Have Taken Enough (www.reddit.com)
submitted 15 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

I grew up believing in the promise of hard work. My parents—immigrants who became citizens—came to this country not for themselves, but for a chance to give their kids a future better than they were afforded. They taught me that if I kept my head down, saved what I could, and stayed loyal to my job, I’d be okay. I’d have a home. A retirement. A little bit of security.

Instead, I’ve watched people like them—like us—get crushed by a system designed to benefit only the rich, corporations, and politicians. And I can’t help but ask myself: WHEN WILL THEY HAVE TAKEN ENOUGH FROM US?

I have done everything I was supposed to do. I’ve worked for over a decade—sometimes, like many of you, two jobs at a time. I skipped vacations. I put the needs of others before my own, because as long as they had what they needed, that was what mattered. I never lived beyond my means. And yet, it’s becoming painfully clear that the safety nets we have worked our whole lives for are being ripped away.

We were told that if we just kept working, these systems would be there when we needed them. Now, for the first time since their creation, they may fail us entirely.

For the first time in American history, the next generation will be worse off than the one before it. Something has to give.

I refuse to let my life be governed by fear, but we must face the reality in front of us:

There is no retirement. No safety net. No comfortable golden years. Just the fear of what happens when my body can’t keep up anymore. Will I be working until I die? Will I lose what little I have left?

I know I’m not the only one seeing this. I see people my age struggling, working jobs they can barely stand because stopping isn’t an option. I see younger people drowning, already realizing that no matter how hard they work, they may never even make it as far as I have.

This is not personal failure. This is a broken system. A country that told us to work hard, play by the rules, and we’d be taken care of—only to abandon us when we needed it most.

I don’t know what the answer is. But I know this isn’t normal. We can’t keep accepting this as the cost of living. Because this isn’t living. It’s barely surviving.

And no one should have to spend their final years terrified of what’s coming next.

Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-09 06:31:35 PM | Source


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Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-09 08:04:06 PM | Source


We all know it was bullshit but I need something to point to as proof.

Originally Posted By u/SnooObjections6152 At 2025-03-09 07:03:31 PM | Source

submitted 15 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

Congress is proposing a new bill titled: Presidential Savings Time

In this bill, we turn the clocks ahead 4 years!

All those in favor say Aye!

Originally Posted By u/YouWorkForMoney-Com At 2025-03-09 02:16:21 PM | Source


Originally Posted By u/Accomplished_Sea6649 At 2025-03-09 10:25:55 AM | Source


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This started with just me and a flyer I made, piggy backing off International Women’s day. Don’t be afraid to utilize social media, piggy back with other organizations, or to use your voice to stand up and speak out. don’t forget!! Together united we will never be divided! Proud of my city today.

Originally Posted By u/courtneythebaker907 At 2025-03-08 10:32:27 PM | Source

submitted 14 hours ago by Gem to c/Georgia

cross-posted from: https://50501.chat/post/16997

With everything going on in the world, wanted to point out a big protest going on in Georgia (one of the swing states Harris lost this election). On March 20th, the Georgia Youth Justice Coalition, which to my knowledge is entirely youth-led, is having a TON of young people to the Georgia State Capitol throughout the day to testify to lawmakers and advocate for their OWN future. Who’s in?

Link in Comments ⬇️

Originally Posted By u/saifhsn07 At 2025-03-10 12:46:19 AM | Source

Hello from Bakersfield (self.California)
submitted 2 days ago by InfamousSmile to c/California

Hi from Bakersfield. We're not all Trump sycophants! 😀

An oath for all of us (www.reddit.com)
submitted 15 hours ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

I, [Name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, so help me God

I know some redditors will be put off by the last part, but it's optional (and there may be secular replacements that work)

Originally Posted By u/l94xxx At 2025-03-09 07:23:42 PM | Source

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