Panicked Trump supporters raised the alarm, saying the tariffs could add hundreds of dollars to their weekly gun shopping bill.
Hundreds per week. How many guns do people in America eat every day?
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Panicked Trump supporters raised the alarm, saying the tariffs could add hundreds of dollars to their weekly gun shopping bill.
Hundreds per week. How many guns do people in America eat every day?
I stick to only low-calorie guns, so I can eat more per week without getting too fat to get into my huge truck.
You have to be careful. It's like those bite-sized candy bars; when you eat 89 of them in a sitting you're still causing problems. I've found myself accidentally carrying up to 17 handguns at a time--i didn't even know I had half of them on me! I've had to develop good firearm hygiene, like flossing, a few times a day do a self-pat down to make sure a .357 isn't in my Crocs or a Desert Eagle .50 hasn't found it's way into one of my American Flag hoodie pockets.
I start most days with a toasted deagle slathered in butter
I nearly ate the onion here...
I spit it out only when I read your comment.. 😐
Clinton signed NAFTA. This caused nearly all steel and aluminum manufacturing to move out of the country. The bulk went to Canada. Now the same business interests who want to bring that manufacturing capability back to the US are the ones who drove it out. A lot of our current troubles can be linked to how US business interests used NAFTA to weaken the american economy. Despite the orange turd being their cuck the real problem in this country are these despotic corporations and the weakening of american labor.
Ya know, I didn't really feel like our economy was bad just a couple of months ago. We were having problems because of bird flu, so price of eggs went up. But other than that, just a couple of months ago, we weren't doing too bad. I can't put my finger on what's changed, but it will come to me.
All I can say about that if you just noticed then you were not paying attention.