
joined 2 years ago

Let me start with, that I am running Raspberry Pi servers since the first Raspberry Pi was released more than a decade ago. Only problems I ever had until now, where dying SD-Cards with the first generation of RPIs. Since them I only buy really big high quality SD-Cards and I have RPI(4) servers running 24/7 for years w/o any troubles.

For a new project, I am running a web service on a Raspberry Pi ZeroW2 with an Apache reverse proxy on the same machine. Memory usage, even under load, is a maximum of 100 MB. This RPIZW2 simply dies after a few days, and I have no idea how debug this problem.

More details of the RPIZW2:

  • Uses Raspbian configured via Ansible to be an exact replica of my RPI(4), only Apache and a webservice were added
  • Quality power supply (original RPI hardware) and literally plugged to the same electricity circuit as the RPI(4)
  • The webapp is just a 'hello, world' with the current time and my internet connection is not fast enough to be DOSed
  • Monitored memory usage etc. for several hours and found nothing out of the ordinary
  • fail2bann is active and running
  • SD-card has several unused GIGs of free space and is same brand/quality as the one in the RPI(4)

Anyone experienced something similar? Has anyone an idea how to approach debugging this problem?

I am not sure that there is a better place at Lemmy for this kind of question than here. I'll happily move this post to another place, if it is not appropriate here.


IMHO a very cool project/idea, worth being promoted!

[–] wolf@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Perhaps, because by now enough people feel a real impact on their life and fear for the ruling classes is not there anymore?

Just a few examples from direct, personal experience (I am German, so what I enumerate has a German/Euro perspective):

  • Constitutional state? Does not matter, as long as powerful/influential people can literally buy laws or prevent even discussion of laws in the parliament
    • Easy way to figure out who is favored by one law, is to check who has to prove something and how hard it is to prove
    • Best part about this is, people in power can always point out to the law and that 'we' agreed upon that law
  • Systematic discrimination against the worker class/people not owning things: Thing about laws, taxes, ....
  • Every media has an agenda and is propaganda (In the west, propaganda means mostly being selective about the information presented and how to build the narrative. Only idiots in the west will outright lie about things. It also means, who gets to talk in the media, where to position news (headlines ore somewhere else) etc. Media are owned by rich people or the state owned media are controlled by people with strong affinity to political parties
  • Corruption on all but the lowest levels, especially in the government (In Germany corruption on the lowest level is uncommon und has a high penalty, but go up the level a little bit and 'you scratch my back and I scratch yours')
  • Nepotism on all but the lowest levels (Worked in many different companies and the bigger the company the worse it gets. Working class kid does not get an intern position although it would technically be the best choice? No worries, some kid with the right parents and no clue will have that opportunity.
  • No feedback loops: In Germany, we have professional politics which have extremely good conditions for their pension, whose children do not visit public schools and who have private health care decide, what in their opinion is appropriate for most of the people in the country concerning this things...
  • No real political influence: We just had the clown-show of voting. Guess what, I can only vote between Nazis and non-Nazis. Can I vote for more taxes for the rich, a sane economic agenda which not benefits the rich, and full military support for the Ukraine? Sorry, I am out of luck. Of course I am free to build my own party. Let's see how successful that is without massive investment of money and good connections to the ruling classes to get positive media coverage.

Before the eastern block fell apart, at least in Europe/Germany, there was always the fear of the ruling class to experience another (French)revolution. Since this fear is gone, they literally have nothing to fear...

Is it possible to change anything about the situation? I am more than cynical by now:

  • Most everyone is struggling to keep their level of wealth/position in society, so the middle class fights hard to be a little bit better of then the lower class, don't even mention the upper middle class, which fights with nails and teeth for every little advantage and privilege they have
  • The higher you go in hierarchies, the more sycophants you'll discover, which don't mind selling out other humans for status/privileges, and there are even true believers, so brainwashed by neoliberal agenda, that they will fight for the privileges of rich folk they will never belong to
  • There is no way to organize enough people in real life to force any political change (especially not with an aging population)
  • The ruling class figured out for a long time in western world, that instead of fighting facts/the truth, they just have to generate more bullshit, discussions, alternative narratives and lean back, because people will discuss and not agree
  • Nearly all change to the status quo is opposed and fought by some group, which benefits from the status quo
  • Neoliberal propaganda and views are so ubiquitous and pervasive in our media, stories, etc., that a lot of people cannot even think about alternatives any more.

That's just for the western world, let's not start about the dictatorships/regimes supported by western governments with money, weapons and knowledge, where things are even more shitty.