
joined 2 years ago
[–] 9 points 18 hours ago

fair enough. i still say fuck'em. there are many more people much more deserving of my sympathy than fucking tesla owners

[–] 98 points 18 hours ago (46 children)

i'm gonna lean on the side of "fuck that shit" on this one. buying a tesla is a choice. maga are terrorizing people for things they didn't choose like skin color, gender, sexual orientation, etc, and that list will only get longer

fuck tesla, and fuck tesla buyers. unlike their holy godman idol musk, i value empathy. but not for people who pridefully show none of it themselves

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

an informed population capable of asking questions and forming their own opinions is antithetical to the owner class's agenda. everyone who consumes any mainstream media (and everyone who doesn't) should read the book Propaganda by eddie bernays, the "father of public relations." bernays wrote in favor of propaganda as a good and necessary thing for a functioning society. but he spells it all out, how to control the opinions of the public. goebbels utilized bernays's methods, and you can see the results

they're doing it again. it's a conspiracy, but there's nothing "theory" about it. if nothing else whatsoever, you should be questioning and scrutinizing everything you read from every source. yes, including lemmy. but it's probably too late to stop anything set in motion years ago. it's not "if" blood in the streets will happen, but "when"

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

the "can't live without a phone" culture/mindset is intentional of course, to harvest your data and spy on you

currently looking to replace my smartphone with a dumb one, but there are a lot of things i have to find solutions for like MFAs etc--things that require my own research into what can reasonably be considered trustworthy

[–] 28 points 1 week ago

everyone is free to play whatever they want, but everyone is also free to call your opinion dumb. which it is.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"i just needed to pop in here and mention that the terrible/wrong/evil thing in the post doesn't affect me at all, like it does for you suckers ROFLMFAO...but also: LOL"

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

LOL "if it was opt-in, no one would do it!"

no fucking shit. there is nothing worth watching that i would buy a smart tv for

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

LOL what the fuck. i've never seen a more subservient bitchass group of bootlicking sheep than republicans